In honor of National Stress Awareness Month I bring you this quick and easy stress-reduction tip that is guaranteed to quickly reduce stress in both you AND your kids. Yup… your kids, too. You see, most of my clients are moms who are juggling a lot–usually FOR their kids. That tends to puts our kids in the unfortunate position of being RIGHT. THERE. when mama snaps. I find that when I can help a mama reduce her stress and simultaneously help a mama reduce her kids stress AND give them a moment of restorative bonding–life gets way, way easier.
But you know the moment I’m talking about… that moment when you’ve just lost it in your frustration and been so mean to them that if you’d held a mirror up to your face and saw what you were projecting to your little people, you would instantly be in bed for 2 weeks depressed about what you’d just done.
Unfortunately, you don’t have a mirror handy. You’ll likely try to console yourself by saying they provoked you to doing whatever it is that you did. I know… I. have. totally. been there. My kids have absolutely NO semblance of self-preservation skills whatsoever. They SEE me boiling over and they just keep going.
That’s when you need to REALLY be a strong adult and change the tide. It takes a very secure parent to step back from their course and think “this needs to be different and maybe I didn’t just do the best thing”… and then change it.
Here’s how:
Break out with a dance party.
Dude… totes. Just tell your kids “Ya know what? We need to do things differently,” and put on a tune that will change everything in a matter of roughly 3 minutes. Here–let me help you (note: the following tune is absolutely small-child friendly)
YES! Love this. If a dance party to this song doesn’t instantly dissolve stress, I don’t know what will! I think it is a great idea to involve your kids in techniques to eliminate stress. What a great skill to grow up with! Thanks for the inspiration! I have found that if I (and my son) are feeling stressed, I do something silly to make my son laugh and then we both feel better. Dancing and laughing are both great forms of stress relief.
So true! I do this with my 4 year old when I find myself starting to feel cranky, and it’s awesome!