Want to know about oils?
So, I totally just thought of something: Most people I know are uncomfortable spending money on essential oils because they don’t know enough about them to make them worth the investment. Even people looking to sell oils for extra money feel like they couldn’t do it for sheer lack of having enough knowledge and experience with them. And yet, people that use them rave about them. For myself, I find that there is a core set of oils that work well for most people in a variety of circumstances. They’re not just for aromatherapy. They actually have a broad range of uses–for cleaning, fighting illness, preventing illness, managing allergens… I wish you lived here and you could call on me for help such that I could give you samplers of the oils I think you’ll need. Many of my friends have become quick converts. They know that I don’t land on oils for everything, but the things I use them for absolutely work and make them worth having on-hand.
So if you are interested in essential oils but don’t feel like you know enough about them to be worth spending on, I’ll make you a deal:
Order a starter kit (Start Living with Everyday Oils kit–which is a sampler) under my account using the link below and every month for 6 months (starting in April) I will send you a video of me telling you how to use the oils in your kit. The kit has 9 oils (11 bottles total–keep reading) and some videos will be devoted to a single oil (because they just have so many uses) but all of the videos will be sent via a link so you can watch them as much as you want and you have a whole month to use the info before moving on to the next “lesson”. I obviously make money off of your order and that will pay for my costs in doing this. 😉
YOU ARE NOT OBLIGATED TO PAY ANY RECURRING FEES BEYOND THIS PURCHASE. If you want to maintain the membership (which gets you significant discounts on oils) you just need to spend $50 over the course of the next year and the account stays active. NO OTHER COSTS and you’re not even obligated to spending $50 in the course of the year–it’s just how to keep your account active. Seriously. I wind up buying personal care products from them so even if I don’t need oils (they last forever)–between shampoo, toothpaste and deodorant, etc. I’m meeting the $50 spending to keep my account active. (and you all know how I am about products without toxins in them 😉 )
And if you order today, tomorrow or Thursday (any time up until 11:59pm Mountain time on Thurs. 2/28), you will receive a $40 product credit (conditions apply, but signing up and selecting the kit above qualifies you). That’s in addition to a $40 coupon on a diffuser (making it $35 for the cheaper one), the 9 oils in the set plus two extra oils (doubling your supply of peppermint and lavender–which are used a LOT). You wind up with $185 worth of oils for $110 (the kit is $150 but you get a $40 credit on a future purchase if you order by Thursday night) and you still have the $40 coupon for the diffuser if you want one. The cheapest diffuser is $46 and I’ve confirmed you CAN use it on that one–getting you a travel diffuser (smaller and works on battery OR plug-in) with the coupon… making it roughly $6. We have one of these in each of the kids rooms. 🙂
After 2/28, the $40 product credit promotion expires, but EVERYTHING ELSE REMAINS THE SAME through the month of March.
There’s seriously no better time to take the leap–especially knowing that I’m going to supply you with lots of information on how to use them. Feel free to share in case you have friends that might be interested.
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