About 8 months ago I got some kind of “deal” for a year of eMeals at a discount. It was cheap enough to roll the dice on and honestly, it worked out really well. They had two potential menues that I could choose from and I started out (and wound up sticking with) the “Clean Eating” plan. I notice they have since added the Paleo plan and I’ll be moving over to that one! (you can change them after signing up but I think you can’t change more than once/month or something like that).
The nice thing is that you can tell it what stores you shop at and it will send you a meal plan that takes advantage of those stores sales. SCORE!
They always send me my meal plan on a Thursday–just in time for weekend shopping. In fact, if I wanted to make some of my meals or prep parts of them ahead of time, I could do that with my weekend time, too. Perfect.
Right now, they have a 15% off promotion if you use the code NEWYEAR at checkout. Click below and I think it will automatically put it in for you.
AND… if you want to subscribe to my newsletter, I’m vowing to include one freezer meal in each newsletter in 2013. So each week, there is one recipe you can make and throw in the freezer for easy eating later. Breakfast, snack or lunch/dinner. I’ll change it up a bit.
Happy dinner time!
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