It’s not just you
Recently, I sat down with a client–a very dedicated, incredibly intelligent mother of 4 with a figure that most would die for–and spent two hours going through her menues and pantry. We made lists, we brainstormed solutions, we laughed, we sighed. At the end of it all, she looked at her marching orders and said “This isn’t really hard…?” To which I replied “No! It really isn’t!”
She went on to think out loud (very respectfully) about why it is that she had needed me in the first place. After all, I didn’t really tell her anything horribly complicated. Some of our discussions covered more in-depth information that make her look at some health topics differently; but those were not related to her action plans. She didn’t NEED those at the moment. She needed the action plan. “I don’t understand why I couldn’t have just done this myself…?”
I think this is where most people are in life: feeling that if something, after it’s done, appears to have been very simple–then there must be something wrong with them to have needed help. And because we eat multiple times each day–it can’t possibly be that complicated to figure out, right?
My client and I then discussed how busy life is and how, culturally, eating is an afterthought. We don’t eat consciously. She had even said it herself earlier “…which wouldn’t be a problem if we weren’t so busy, but then I guess we should probably NOT be so busy, either…” I brought her back to that comment. When in her schedule did she have time dedicated to the preventative care of herself and her family? How much time did she devote to grocery shopping and cooking? How much time did she spend planning? In fact, this mother menu planned dinner every week–but with a completely different mindset than she is doing it now. It was about logistics–not nourishment.
Sometimes, all we need is a shift in how we think. Sometimes we really DO need information and education. But achieving good health and wellness DOES require a set of skills. Your current level of ability, time constraints, and learning styles combined with your current state of health and your health/wellness goals will dictate how you go about filling in the gaps.
But this is what I do for a living… LET’S TALK! Contact me for a free initial health history consultation to discuss filling in the gaps to a wholly satisfying, healthy life for you and your family.
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