A few good books & videos…
I recently had a friend run a few health and wellness books by me to see if he should spend some time reading them. Suddenly, I realized there were a few good reads that everyone should review to learn more about health and our food supply; and how the two are not working together very well so that you can work around it while you work for change (by letting your legislators know your feelings on food supply and health care issues). You will have a better idea of why you are eating the way you are, why it matters, general ideas of how you might want to change things, and a good understanding of what to watch for when policies are made.
Most people know the catch-phrases and sound bites that circulate this country on nutrition. These will provide a far more sound UNDERSTANDING of what is going on and how to effect change for your family, even if it does not compel you to act beyond that. I’ve tried to compile a list that has as little overlap as possible, but there are a few common themes among them.
- Any book by Michael Pollan, but best to first read “The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals
” (which gives you a good introduction to the how and why of Americaan eating today, and why you should bother caring) followed by “In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto
” (which moves onward to how to change things including a common-sense eating & shopping guide).
- The book “Food Politics: How the Food Industry Influences Nutrition, and Health
” by Marion Nestle–who is the Nutrition chair for NYU and edited the 1988 Surgeon General report. It is REMARKABLY eye-opening and even goes into detail about how school lunch programs
- The documentary “Food Matters” is an incredible film that links nutrition to health in a way that mainstream America can understand; and goes on to explain how the current healthcare system is compounding our health issues instead of helping them. I am happy to set up a free screening of this film at my home–just contact me! You can also watch it for free here, on topdocumentaryfilms.
- The documentary “Food, Inc.” is also critical viewing and focuses on where your food comes from and why it is supplied the way it is. The site notes that “You’ll never look at dinner the same” and they are absolutely correct. This is the film that put my own family over the edge when it came to trying to provide better quality food for our children; but even if it does not provoke change in your own home–you can at least understand the arguments better than most of the people who are repeating what they’ve heard vs. what they’ve researched… which might serve you in quieting them. 🙂
If you need more tactical, practical and/or hands-on guidance to changing how your family eats this year… LET’S TALK! Contact me for a free initial health history consultation to discuss your needs and how I can help!
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