Has included a piece of panettone between me and my little guy. I couldn’t resist. Neither could he. It is a FULL. BLOWN. ADDICTION for me. :/ And it’s full of stuff that neither of us should be eating (wheat, butter, raisins & citrus) but no soy or corn–which are the worst offenders for us.
My pies are in the oven… LATE. And I dried out my GF bread chunks only to find that the recipe didn’t call for dried out bread. Likewise, I didn’t read the frozen GF pie shells to see that they needed to defrost to room temperature before using them. Thankfully the dishwasher just finished “dry” mode and about 10 minutes in there did the trick! 😀 I did not, however, follow the pie directions properly: I added the spices, honey & brown sugar to the beaten eggs instead of to the pumpkin… and then noticed that most of the brown sugar stayed behind when I poured it all into the pie shells. Oy… I’m batting a thousand–right?
Breakfast was eggs today because I have no clue why, but I didn’t do the oatmeal last night.
Mother of the year–right?
Kids had yogurt for snack already. Both of them. Remarkably, the baby FINISHED one! YAY!
Okay… gotta prep the bird, ’cause the MINUTE those pies come out, the bird goes in. Company comes at 3:30pm and I had planned to eat at 4:30pm the latest. I’m not sure if I can keep to that schedule yet, but I THINK I can if I get off the computer RIGHT NOW to prep that bird!
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