The plan: I’m going to try to stay with Feingold as much as possible since it’s helping Mike so much (like REALLY helping him) and Matthew & I minimally–but helping none-the-less.
Pre-breakfast: banana.
Breakfast: since Mike’s molasses pancakes were a colossal bomb, I suspect they will be dog food and we’ll need to eat something else. 🙂 I made sure to get us eggs, so I’m guessing we’ll eat eggs. I’m going to fry up some organic zucchini and an onion tonight for the base of a frittata tomorrow morning. I’m going to try to dice the organic potatoes we have laying around, too (for home fries–if not tomorrow, then the next day). I’m going to set the coffee maker to make some decaf to both mentally and physically wean myself off.
I’ll have to remember the following supplements: (I’m going to highlight in green the stuff that actually happened)
Me: MetaGlycemx (my insulin-regulating stuff), fish oil, Vitamin D (2200 IUs), Vitamin C, B-Complex (for my PMS/PMDD) and enzymes (which help tremendously with sleep and energy, btw). In addition, because I feel bronchitis coming on, I need to take some Sambucus.
Matthew: fish oil, Vitamin D (1500 IUs via 3 500 IU chewables), an “immune booster” (it has A, C & E plus some zinc in it) chewable, probiotic, and preventative dose of Sambucus (admittedly, all of this was done at 12:21pm when I was updating this post 🙁 )
Baby: fish oil, Sambucus and probiotic. I have yet to figure out how to get the probiotic in her, but I think I’ll put the powder in the Sambucus and do it all at once. Ummm… yeah–no. The powdered probiotic dosing was 1 tsp and with 1 tsp of Sambucol it made paste. So she’s sans probiotic at the moment. If she can chew the Vitamin D that Matthew takes, I’ll give her one (500 IUs) of that, too. She not only took the Vitamin D, but also the “immune booster” chewable. Score. Why can’t they make fish oil chewables?
Mike: pfffft… I don’t know. Fish oil? At a minimum.
Snacks: coconut milk yogurt, possibly some S’morables GF & corn-free graham crackers
Lunch: Rolls of deli ham (Hormel Naturals are safe) with baby carrots and salad (which in our house is really just lettuce, EVOO, white vinegar and salt). I’ll need to take another dose of Sambucus and enzymes (which are better before you eat, but I find they provide benefits whether I do it before or after–probably not the same, but noticeable none-the-less… and who the heck remembers to take something 30 minutes before they eat? Seriously? Not me… I’m lucky I remember that I have TO eat! Oh, and umm… feed the kids! 😀 )
Snacks: celery sticks with peanut butter. I have to go get peanut butter, though.
Dinner: meatloaf, broccoli and rice pilaf.
After dinner, I’ll need to take another dose of MetaGlycemx, fish oil, Vitamin B (50mg because it’s the first half of my cycle–this is for PMS/PMDD) and Sambucus. Nobody else needs to really take anything, but Mike should take fish oil.
Dessert is not a requirement. 🙂
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