Yeah… because it was way too chaotic (not the diet, just our lives) to try to do daily.
We found out that our sushi was off-limits because they use food coloring. Likely in the fake crab meat in the California rolls that we give Matthew. Shoot me now–because this was our fast-food alternative.
We did okay otherwise, though. Our snacks were the biggest problems. Our favorite vegetable-flavored Edward’s rice crackers have been replaced by potato chips. And our regular Lay’s Kettle Cooked changed formulation such that they now use corn oil–so we had to switch over to Cape Cod brand kettle cooked. I haven’t fully checked out the hummus, but Matthew doesn’t eat it–so I didn’t tend to that IMMEDIATELY.
Apples have been replaced with melon chunks. Carrots and celery are taking a way more active role in our snacking. Orange juice and ketchup have been really hard. Thankfully, we don’t drink OJ often; but ketchup… holy moly. Now we kind of HAVE to make our eggs “with” something for flavoring. Usually the natural, uncured bacon from the farm co-op.
And removing grapes and all berries renders us without an option for jelly. Peaches & oranges aren’t even an option on Stage 1. But there’s a natural deli meat that’s on the approved list for Stage 1. It’s not the lowest sodium option–which is quickly becoming a problem for me (if not for the sodium content alone, then seriously for it’s taste) so I need to look into that a little further. But that’s been our PB&J replacement: deli meat–with GF bread or just rolled up. Plus some canned organic green beans or some carrots.
Dinner has remained relatively unscathed. THANK GOD! We don’t do pasta often because rice pasta is so expensive so that’s really non-issue. Otherwise, it’s usually meat and veggies… sometimes rice or potato… always without “stuff” so it’s really not an issue there.
Onward to week 2…
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