Insasmuch as we eat eggs DAILY for the most, it’s not the only option for breakfast.
There’s eggs, of course (and our cholesterol is actually really good despite a family predisposition to it–read Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon to understand this phenomenon!)
Pancakes, waffles, and muffins made from an allergenic mix. These can be made ahead in large quantities and frozen. That’s what we do. It’s like buying ready-made/convenience stuff. 🙂
EnviroKids cereal. I know they have one that we can eat (Koala Crisp)
I honestly never investigated cereals any further. I’m a DIE hard farina person–so gluten free is really killing me on that front.
We also take a lesson from other countries and occasionally eat leftover dinner for breakfast… so meat and vegetables.
Yogurt (especially with some fruit tossed in)
Fruit (we get on broiled grapefruit tangents here)
Fruit salad
Bagels (they can be bought “safe” I think–frozen)
Cereal bars
I’m looking for a Creamy Rice & Fruit recipe… I just found one for Coconut Rice (and we’d eat it with fruit).
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