breakfast: eggs (Matthew’s were plain, ours were with eggplant and onions fried in EVOO) plus some espresso we found that we watered down to make “coffee” because we’d been up REALLY late.
snack: banana
lunch: Matthew had a hot dog with slices of tomato and peeled baby carrots. Mike and I had PB&J
snack: well, I thought apple until I asked the status of the apple only to find out it had been left in Matthew’s room. I warned him to get it lest the dogs find it and eat it (which would launch screaming and scolding from Matthew) but he assured me his door was closed and the apple was safe. *eyeroll* So he had the last of the rice crackers for a snack.
dinner: chicken breasts topped with slices of eggplant and tomato plus collards cooked in EVOO with pine nuts and garlic. Matthew doesn’t “do” collards, so he had sliced cucumbers.
dessert: Matthew had some Rice Dream ice cream with Ah!laska syrup. BTW, his servings are about 4-6 Tablespoons worth of ice cream. He’s 5.
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