Okay… yesterday was a COLOSSAL disaster. This weekend I reconciled all the banking and found that with all we’ve been going through since October, it resulted in spending an extra $1200 on eating out between January and April. :O
Plus, we slacked off badly this weekend. As a result, Matthew was in a class (play skits and fun stuff) yesterday that he LOVES and I not only had to chase him down to get him, but then had to carry him–kicking and screaming at the top of his lungs about how stupid I was and that I was the stupidest parent ever, take him back, etc.–out of the museum his class was in with all kinds of people coming to see what the problem was. Thankfully, another parent carried the baby (who was in a carseat carrier). Ds had to be removed because when he started kicking filing cabinets, it was enough already. I had already brought him into the hall to talk to him when he was misbehaving once before. The class is a total of 45 minutes. We were out by the 20-minute mark.
Anyway, we got outside and I put him down to get the keys and he was OFF and running back into the museum while the other parent stood there holding the baby. I had no idea what to do. Thankfully, she said “Go…” and Matthew DID come back towards the parking lot (because he couldn’t open the museum door).
I finally get him in the car only to have him kick EVERYTHING–including the baby’s carseat carrier–and scream at me for another 25 minutes (it’s a 35 minute drive).
He had a piece of a chocolate chip cookie from Quizno’s yesterday (approximately 1-1/2″ square–Mike and I were grabbing a sandwich for ourselves to split on the road) plus 1/4 of an Old Fashioned donut (no icing, no filling–nothing) from Dunkin Donuts on Sat. and another 1/4 on Sunday when Mike and I needed coffee.
WHAT. were. we thinking??
He’s also had nightmares the past 3 nights.
And dummy me tried to explain to him that we’d go back to the museum next week… that I knew he was sorry… blah, blah, blah. I mean, really–what CAN you do? When I tried ignoring him, he’d tell me “I’M TALKING TO YOU!!!” and really, we DRILL into him “do unto others” so I can’t just ignore him.
Ugh… so like the pain of seeing that money (that we DESPERATELY need) go right down the toilet combined with this–well, it’s enough to go on lock-down with our food.
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