I should note that we got a food delivery on Saturday. I took a picture of it–picture to follow. I also took delivery yesterday of a special order (all organic):
12 grapefruit
12 6 oz. boxes of blueberries
3 pints of grape tomatoes
10 lbs. red potatoes
1 lb. pine nuts
1 lb. dried bing cherries (mistake–didn’t know they were dried)
2 24 oz. bags of Rapadura whole cane sugar
2 lbs. of green grapes
This cost me $135 (which includes $10 for a box of Green Bags)
Needless to say, Matthew’s early breakfast was blueberries.
Breakfast was just eggs. My and Mike’s had potatoes and onions in them (we’re overrun with onions and apples). With water… the coffee pot has been put away instead of being out on the counter.
Snack: baby carrots (non-organic)
Lunch: kill me–a bagel stick with eggs and salami (insert eyeroll). I had ham and salami with lettuce and tomato, oil and vinegar.
Snack: more blueberries
Dinner… at the inlaws. Pasta with olive oil, garlic and mushrooms (Matthew got GF pasta, but Mike and I got whole wheat pasta) and then broccoli and rotisserie chicken from the supermarket (which shockingly was safe ingredient-wise for Matthew). Matthew also had grape tomatoes (MIL always has them for him) and we all had grapes for dessert.
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