You totally could. Maybe not EVERY time, but more often than you are. You don’t have to be Supermom to be a super mom… and you’re probably a super mom already. Do you even know what you’re good at?
I remember feeling like I was drowning as a mom. Like if I could “just find the right system” or learn some special trick–I could coast. What’s worse was that there was a season of our life where it seemed that every time I turned around, I was faced with some new parenting challenge that I had no clue how to deal with. Day to day became survival mode, and it went on for longer than I care to remember.
I learned. I got help.
Are you ready to take the bull by the horns? Or maybe you’re really, really not—but you need to do something because things need to change. It’s okay. You’re covered either way. Come join a group of women who will walk with you on your journey to honing your skills as a strong facilitator of your family’s overall health and well-being. At the same time, learn how to ensure you keep yourself well in the process.
In this program, we’re going to talk about it all… All of those topics that you juggle and don’t really have the time to figure out how to do better or healthier or cheaper or quicker? Yeah… it’s about all of that. We’re going to do it together and at the end of this program, life is going to be different. You’re going to have more information about a bunch of things that made your head spin before, and you’re going to have some new habits and strategies to manage life in a positive and more peaceful way. You’ll start the next school year with a renewed spirit.
On the path, you will take account of where you are so that you can define your goals for our time together. Then you can move toward them with purpose and accountability—getting the information and support you need along the way to help overcome the challenges.
Whether you know exactly what you want, or just know that you want to “make things better”, group coaching can help. And research has shown that remote coaching programs are as effective as in-person coaching.
Here’s how I’d love to help you!
Group coaching gives you the education and guidance of a certified health & wellness coach, the support of a dedicated community, and the accountability of regular “meetings”. Ultimately, it will help you live healthier, live with more peace, lead your family, build your self-confidence, improve your communication with the people you love, and get responsible for living the life of your dreams.
So here’s what you get!
I’m going to host a twice a month group coaching session where we will cover a specific health topic and share how it applies to people in our group’s specific goals and challenges. Consistency is the key to getting on track and staying on track to make lasting and sustainable changes for a healthy lifestyle. From mid-April to late July, we are a team to restore and revitalize our families (and ourselves)! If you can’t make it to a call, they are recorded and available for you to listen to at your convenience.
Between calls, you’ll have access to a private online forum limited to participants of the program. This is where you can turn for support and encouragement, to share or to help, between our calls–when you just can’t wait.
You’ll get a monthly training video that covers information that you can incorporate into your growing tool belt for motherhood.
Last, you will receive tools, related materials and healthy recipes through a private group online that allows for group contact between our sessions.
What’s in it for you?
- Access to information and education that you need to help you on your path to health and wellness
- An avenue for developing new strategies to the challenges you’ve been facing
- Your individual goals are clearly defined, and broken down into small and manageable pieces—giving you a roadmap to success.
- Opportunity to connect with others in the group who are walking alongside of you on the journey.
- Celebration of your accomplishments—no matter how big or small they may be!
- Increased accountability through our sessions to help keep you on track, or pick you up when you’ve fallen off… because it happens
Let’s Get Started!!
We’re going to look at your life from a holistic approach. It’s not just about what you feed your body. It’s about how you feed yourself in whole. It’s not just about getting the information you need to run your household–it’s about integrating it into your life. You are a musical instrument. We need to be sure that every part of it is supporting the other parts to make beautiful music that is strong, soft, or sultry as needed at any given moment. Let’s get the holidays out of the way and catch our breath–then dive into the work together.
The game plan:
- Create more calm and peace for you and your loved ones with exercises that put new ideas into practice.
- A path to help you decide the personal nutrition needs of you and your family plus information and guidance on implementing any new changes
- Courageous questions and simple tools for strengthening relationships in your life—with your partner, your family, your friends, and anyone else you have connections with
- Discover a means of physical activity that you can enjoy and make a priority in your life, and how to encourage the same for your family.
- Find the purpose in how you spend your days and build a structure for your family to find their purpose.
- Explore ways to deepen your spiritual practice—no matter what your faith
- Grow further towards the mother (and wife) you want to be
- Feel empowered to take care of yourself in addition to meeting your obligations
- Connect and share with other women who are on the journey with you—both on the live calls and in our private online group between calls
Third Thursday of Each Month
You’ll receive your exclusive invitation to your video health coaching session.
Live Call Schedule for Late Spring 2013
Taking place online or by phone, our live calls are available at 8pm CT every other Thursday. If you miss a call, it will be recorded so you can listen to it later—gaining the benefit of the information and group sharing even if you can’t participate in the call real-time, so you can still follow the conversations in our private forum.
Thursday, April 18
Thursday, May 2
Thursday, May 16
Thursday, May 30
Thursday, June 13
Thursday, June 27
Thursday, July 11
Thursday, July 25
You’ll get access to me LIVE every month to work together to improve your health and build the life you love, ask questions, celebrate accomplishments, and anything else you can use to achieve your health and wellness goals.
In between those calls, connect and share with the group through a private forum where you can get the love and support you need.
Important Reminder:
We go live on April 18th!! Sign up now to ensure the holidays don’t run away with you!
This is the time to finally get the support and guidance you need to be a strong facilitator of you and your family’s health and wellness using the tools, environment, and information my group coaching program can provide.
Because really, it’s been long enough–hasn’t it? You don’t need to flounder on your own. What would you give to make THIS the year your family gets on the path to living a happier, healthier, calmer and more loving life? How about $200? Better yet, pay for the program in full before March 15th and knock 20% off (making it $160). There’s never been a better or more convenient opportunity to be part of a group that will help you get on track and moving forward in a positive and productive atmosphere focused on your personal health and well-being.
To get your program materials, register now:
To pay program in full with 20% discount, click “Pay Now” below |